I have been working on a few updates for my Grummle note system, recently. You may have noticed the font change (to Open Sans) on Grummle as well as this homepage. As of now, you can also log into Grummle with your Google and Facebook account. If you already have a Grummle account with the same e-mail address, it will be connected. Otherwise a new account will be created for you.

Feel free to check it out, if you haven’t done so yet.

The Pic-A-Day is now over and the following video features all of the photos as well as a new musical piece from me.

September 20, 2014

After being a few days in London ealier this month, I decided to start another Pic-A-Day on my Facebook and Google+ Accounts.

London Pic-A-Day

I will post another photo (almost) every day.


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